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The Journal of Medical News of Upper Lomami
Articles collected by Kalamba Dianda Michel
Michel Kalamba Dianda

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Autor/Autorin: Kalamba Dianda Michel

Kalamba Dianda Michel is currently a second term assistant at the istm of Kamina, born in Kamina in 1974, he is a teacher in charge of several courses and has already several end of cycle works and dissertations.
This book is part of the trilogy health - research - development, after provincial division in DR Congo following the reform consecutive to the decentralization, the province has not experienced a boom in the scientific field due to the modest means both logistic and financial. To overcome this challenge, a group of researchers, each in their own field, have embarked on research to try to solve certain problems encountered by the population that hinder its development. This is a collection of three scientific research texts specifically in the field of ophthalmology, vaccinology and public health.

Über den Autor

Kalamba Dianda Michel è attualmente assistente di secondo livello presso l'Istm di Kamina. Nato a Kamina nel 1974, è docente responsabile di diversi corsi e ha già all'attivo diversi lavori di fine ciclo e tesi di laurea.
