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John Milton, Audio-CD
Milton, John

7,95 €

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Milton stands alongside Shakespeare and the Bible in the power of his verse and its continuing impact. He is one of the great voices of English poetry. Born in 1608, he is best known for his epic Paradise Lost, but most of his writing life was spent composing shorter works. This collection brings together his brilliant early poems, including Il Penseroso, LAllegro and Lycidas, as well as some of the finest and most touching works of his maturity, such as On His Blindness and Methought I saw my late espoused saint. This anthology will serve as an introduction, or as a reminder of the range and variety of John Milton's great gifts.
John Milton (1608-1674) war nach seinem Studium in Cambridge zunächst in Italien und danach für kurze Zeit als Privatlehrer in London tätig. Er kämpfte auf Seiten von Oliver Cromwell gegen die Royalisten und unterstützte die Puritaner mit politischen Schriften. Nach Wiederherstellung des Königtums wurden seine Bücher öffentlich verbrannt und er selbst musste für kurze Zeit ins Gefängnis. Seine bedeutendsten Werke erschienen erst nach 1660. Völlig erblindet, verarmt und vereinsamt, diktierte er das große englische religiöse Epos »Das verlorene Paradies«, das 1668 zum ersten Mal erschien.


Thoughtful collection of John Milton's finest poetry marks the quatercentenary of the poet's birth in 1608. His uncompromising views set him firmly on the side of Cromwell, putting his life in danger when the Stuart monarchy was restored. But he is now remembered for Paradise Lost and a strong collection of other poetry which influenced successive generations. This CD offers an ideal overview, including excerpts from the major works, including Comus and Samson Agonistes, as well as famous poems such as On his blindness.
