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My Little Monster 7

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Since her debut in 2005, Robico has been actively serialized in the manga magazine Dessert. Her most popular series, My Little Monster, is her first manga published in the United States.

Shizuku's mother gives her advice about having it all, success in studies and success in love. All it takes is effort! But it's not only Shizuku who exerts the effort. Oshima reaffirms her love for Haru, and Natsume continues her hopeless assault on Mitchan's heart. And Yamaken struggles to overcome his own arrogance to make an earnest attempt at prying Shizuku away from Haru. So much effort from so many people, will anyone have the energy to actually be happy?
Mizutani is a self-absorbed overachiever. Haru is an impulsive short tempered brute. Mizutani is tasked with delivering school materials to Haru, who interprets this as an act of friendship and latches on to Mizutani, much to her dismay. And so begins a strange and fiery friendship!

Über den Autor

Since her debut in 2005, Robico has been actively serialized in the manga magazine Dessert. Her most popular series, My Little Monster, is her first manga published in the United States.



Shizuku's mother gives her advice about having it all, success in studies and success in love. All it takes is effort! But it's not only Shizuku who exerts the effort. Oshima reaffirms her love for Haru, and Natsume continues her hopeless assault on Mitchan's heart. And Yamaken struggles to overcome his own arrogance to make an earnest attempt at prying Shizuku away from Haru. So much effort from so many people, will anyone have the energy to actually be happy?
