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Atomic Theories
F.H. Loring

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Loring, F.H.

Summarising the most novel facts and theories which were coming into prominence at the time, particularly those which had not yet been incorporated into standard textbooks, this important work was first published in 1921. The subjects treated cover a wide range of research that was being conducted into the atom, and include Quantum Theory, the Bohr Theory, the Sommerfield extension of Bohr´s work, the Octet Theory and Isotopes, as well as Ionisation Potentials and Solar Phenomena.

Because much of the material of Atomic Theories lies on the boundary between experimentally verified fact and speculative theory, it indicates in a unique way how the future of physics was perceived at the time of writing. It thus throws into stark relief not only the immense advances made since the 1920s, but also, perhaps, highlights the importance of not rigidly adhering to a particular program of future discoveries.

Preface. Preface to the Second Edition 1. Introduction: Atomic Theories: Earlier Views 2. Atomic Weights and Whole-Number Isotopes 3. Electrons and Atomic Nuclei: Sub-atomic Phenomena 4. Co-ordinating the Electrical Properties of the Atom 5. K and L Series of Lines by X-ray Analysis 6. A Note on Crystal Structure 7. Radio-activity and Crystal Structure as Clues to Atomic Structure 8. Rutherford´s Nuclear Theory of the Atom, with Detailed Experimental Evidence: Supplementary Notes 9. The Quantum Theory 10. The Bohr-Rutherford Atom: Sommerfield´s Extension: And Einstein´s Studies of the Stark Effect 11. The Photo-Electric Effect 12. The Zeeman Effect: Gaseous Ionisation: Ionisation Potentials: and Modern Views Concerning Radiation 13. The Lewis-Langmuir Atomic Theory: The Octet Theory: Introduction 14. The Lewis-Langmuir Atomic Theory: The Octet Theory: Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms and Molecules 15. The Octet Theory: Being a Continuation from the Preceding Chapter: Ionisation in Solids and Liquids: Etc. 16. Co-ordinating the Rutherford and Lewis-Langmuir Theories 17. The Lewis-Langmuir Octet Theory of Valence Applied to Organic Nitrogen Compounds 18. The Octet Theory as a Clue to Certain Types of Molecular Instability, and a Few Remarks 19. A Note of Caution 20. The Possible Complexity of Hydrogen: Its Position in the Periodic Table 21. The Energy of the Atom: Elements in the Sun and Their Ionisation: Atomic Energy and Solar Radiation: Sun-Spots, Aurora and Magnetic Storms: High Pressure Experiments of Sir C.A. Parsons: High Temperatures 22. Atomic and Molecular Magnitudes Determined by the Brownian Movement 23. Magnetic Susceptibilities of the Elements: A Geometrical Representation of Variable Magnitudes: Ferromagnetism and Atomic Structure 24. Sir J.J. Thomson´s Views of Mass, Energy and Radiation. Appendices

Über den Autor

Loring, F.H.


Preface. Preface to the Second Edition 1. Introduction: Atomic Theories: Earlier Views 2. Atomic Weights and Whole-Number Isotopes 3. Electrons and Atomic Nuclei: Sub-atomic Phenomena 4. Co-ordinating the Electrical Properties of the Atom 5. K and L Series of Lines by X-ray Analysis 6. A Note on Crystal Structure 7. Radio-activity and Crystal Structure as Clues to Atomic Structure 8. Rutherford's Nuclear Theory of the Atom, with Detailed Experimental Evidence: Supplementary Notes 9. The Quantum Theory 10. The Bohr-Rutherford Atom: Sommerfield's Extension: And Einstein's Studies of the Stark Effect 11. The Photo-Electric Effect 12. The Zeeman Effect: Gaseous Ionisation: Ionisation Potentials: and Modern Views Concerning Radiation 13. The Lewis-Langmuir Atomic Theory: The Octet Theory: Introduction 14. The Lewis-Langmuir Atomic Theory: The Octet Theory: Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms and Molecules 15. The Octet Theory: Being a Continuation from the Preceding Chapter: Ionisation in Solids and Liquids: Etc. 16. Co-ordinating the Rutherford and Lewis-Langmuir Theories 17. The Lewis-Langmuir Octet Theory of Valence Applied to Organic Nitrogen Compounds 18. The Octet Theory as a Clue to Certain Types of Molecular Instability, and a Few Remarks 19. A Note of Caution 20. The Possible Complexity of Hydrogen: Its Position in the Periodic Table 21. The Energy of the Atom: Elements in the Sun and Their Ionisation: Atomic Energy and Solar Radiation: Sun-Spots, Aurora and Magnetic Storms: High Pressure Experiments of Sir C.A. Parsons: High Temperatures 22. Atomic and Molecular Magnitudes Determined by the Brownian Movement 23. Magnetic Susceptibilities of the Elements: A Geometrical Representation of Variable Magnitudes: Ferromagnetism and Atomic Structure 24. Sir J.J. Thomson's Views of Mass, Energy and Radiation. Appendices
