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Institutional Ownership and Multinational Firms
Relationships to Social and Environmental Performance
James J. Kennelly

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James J. Kennelly

This study represents a rare empirical test of the assertions of critics of multinational corporations (MNCs), who argue that firm-level social and environmental performance suffers as MNCs grow increasingly mobile and subject to the short-term financial demands of institutional investors. Such critics argue that 'footloose' and 'stateless' MNCs have not only divorced themselves from a particular sense of responsibility to their home countries, but have also fallen increasingly under the sway of the 'myopic' demands of institutional investors.
Using multiple regression analysis, the study considered the impact of various levels of multinationality and institutional ownership on the social and environmental performance of US-based manufacturing companies. Based on this empirical analysis, the radical critique of MNCs was not supported. Rather, the level of multinationality of firms was positively associated with social and environmental performance in the home country. This is a far cry from the demonized view of MNCs proffered by the critics. These findings suggest the possibility that MNCs may even have a positive influence on the development of a global economy that is consistent with the values and intent of vision of sustainable development. Ultimately, the study suggest that at a minimum, more attention should be paid to utilizing talents and competencies of MNCs in support of furthering positive social and environmental agendas.

(Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1996; revised with new preface and index)

List of Tables

1. Introduction

Research Purpose

Importance of Topic

Organization of the Book

2. Issues in Corporate Social and Environmental Performance
The Concept of Corporate Social Performance (CSP)
Theories of Corporate Social Performance
The Stakeholder Perspective
Unpacking the CSP Construct

3. Multinational Advantages
Multinationality as Competitive Advantage

Multinational Corporations, Nation-States and Social
Measurement of the Multinationality Construct
Hypothesizing the Implications of Level of Multinationality on Social and Environmental Performance

4. Institutional Ownership and Market Myopia
Trends in Institutional Ownership
Myopic Institutions and Efficient Markets
Empirical Evidence
Institutional Ownership Hypothesis

A Note on the Institutional Ownership Construct

Sample and Methodology
Sample Selection
Measurement and Operationalization
Analytical Techniques
6. Research Results
Univariate Analysis
Bivariate Analysis
Factor Analysis of Multinationality Variables
Factor Analysis of Social and Environmental Performance Variables
Hypotheses Tests
Degree of Multinationality
7. Discussion and Conclusions
Impacts of Level of Firm Multinationality
Impact of Institutional Ownership on Social and Environmental Performance
Conceptualization and Measurement of Level of Multinationality
Scope and Limitations

Contribution and Conclusions

A rare empirical test of the assertions of critics of multinational corporations (MNCs), who argue that firm-level social and environmental performance suffers as MNCs grow increasingly mobile.
