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Questioning the Veil: Open Letters to Muslim Women
Open Letters to Muslim Women
Lazreg, Marnia

23,95 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit ca. 17 Werktage


Across much of the world today, Muslim women of all ages are increasingly choosing to wear the veil. Is this trend a sign of rising piety or a way of asserting Muslim pride? And does the veil really provide women freedom from sexual harassment? This title examines the inconsistent and inadequate reasons given for the veil.

Über den Autor

Marnia Lazreg


Acknowledgments ix Introduction 1 Letter One: Modesty 15 Letter Two: Sexual Harassment 41 Letter Three: Cultural Identity 53 Letter Four: Conviction and Piety 67 Letter Five: Why Women Should Not Wear the Veil 97 Notes 133 References 147 Index 153


Examines the inconsistent and inadequate reasons given for the veil worn by Muslim women, and points to the dangers and limitations of this highly questionable cultural practice.
