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The Joyful Reading Resource Kit: Teaching Tools, Hands-On Activities, and Enrichment Resources, Grades K-8
Reis, Sally M.

30,45 €

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The Joyful Reading Resource Kit serves as the practical companion book to Joyful Reading.

Über den Autor

Sally M. Reis, Ph.D., is professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Connecticut where she also serves as principal investigator for the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. Widely published, Reis conducts workshops and provides professional development to schools and districts both nationally and internationally. Her colleagues and coauthors are all professors in reading, educational psychology, and curriculum and instruction with extensive experience in SEM-R. She is the author of Joyful Reading from Jossey-Bass (978-0-470-22881-4).


Preface. The Authors. PART I: TOWARD JOYFUL READING. 1. The Schoolwide Enrichment Model for Reading (SEM-R): Why now? 2. Why Differentiate Reading Instruction? 3. Reading Instruction Essentials. PART II: THE PROGRAM PHASES. 4. Hooking Kids on Reading: Phase I. 5. Supported Independent Reading and Conferences: Phase II. 6. Facilitating Interest and Choice: Phase III. PART III: SUCCEEDING WITH SEM-R. 7. Library and Classroom Management Strategies. 8. Differentiated Practices to Challenge all Readers. 9. Making Use of Literacy Coaches. 10. The Program in After-School and Other Settings. Resources. A. Sample SEM-R Bookmarks (4). B. Reading Interest-a-Lyzer. C. Book Lists and Resources. D. Sun/Cloud Template. E. Reading Growth Graph. F. Teacher Log: Template and Examples. G. Student Log: Template and Examples. References. Index.


Everything a teacher needs to implement the Joyful Reading program

A practical companion book to Joyful Reading or a stand-alone resource, this useful literacy kit provides reproducible forms, tools, and rubrics to support independent reading instruction, along with an exciting array of student activities, projects, and readings, all on reproducible worksheets. The easy-to-use activity worksheets and reading materials are suitable for students with different learning styles and skill levels and can be successfully used in any classroom. The Kit can also be used for after-school or home-schooling to supplement other literacy approaches.

Sally M. Reis, PhD (Storrs, CT), is professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Connecticut, where she also serves as principal investigator for the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented.rn
