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Nielsen, Jakob

90,45 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit ca. 17 Werktage


Based on the best-selling "HyperText and HpyerMedia", this book explores the applications in multimedia and hypertext as well as offering coverage of the use of HTML (hypertext markup language) and the World Wide Web with interfaces such as Mosaic and Netscape. It includes a number of illustrated examples of a variety of hypermedia systems.


Preface Chapter 1: Defining Hypertext, Hypermedia, and Multimedia Chapter 2: An Example of a Hypertext System Chapter 3: The History of Hypertext Chapter 4: Applications of Hypertext Chapter 5: The Architecture of Hypertext Systems Chapter 6: Hardware Support for Hypertext Chapter 7: Hypertext in the Internet Chapter 8: Coping with Information Overload Chapter 9: Navigating Large Information Spaces Chapter 10: Hypertext Usability Chapter 11: Multimedia Authoring Chapter 12: Repurposing Existing Content Chapter 13: The Future of Multimedia and Hypertext Appendix: Annotated Bibilography Index


Reflecting the changes in the hypertext/multimedia market, this book includes illustrated examples of a variety of new hypermedia systems, particularly those related to the Internet, plus many examples of the use of Mosaic and the HTML.

* Includes a large number of richly illustrated examples of a wide variety of new hypermedia systems.
* Provides a range of strategies for overcoming information overload.
* Thorougly discusses a number of new applications, including distribution of hypertext tools via the Internet.
* Explains copyright issues for users and develeopers, and usability issues for hypertext.
* Forecasts the future of the field in the long and short term.
