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Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha, English edition
Doyle, Roddy

13,95 €

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WINNER OF THE BOOKER PRIZE 1993Paddy Clarke is ten years old. Paddy Clarke's heroes are Father Damien (and the lepers), Geronimo and George Best. Paddy Clarke loves his Ma and Da, but it seems like they don't love each other, and Paddy wants to understand, but can't. See also: Cal by Bernard MacLaverty
The bittersweet story of a boy growing up in north Dublin, winner of the Booker Prize
Der Ire Roddy Doyle hat einen Roman geschrieben, der ungeheuer komisch und zugleich abgrundtief traurig ist. Er erzählt von einem Jungen, dem zehnjährigen Patrick Clarke. Patrick sitzt abends vor dem Fernseher, knabbert Chips und sinniert über die amerikanischen Soldaten, die, man schreibt das Jahr 1968, im Mekong-Delta gegen "Gorillas" kämpfen, er kann seinen kleinen Bruder nicht ausstehen, will Missionar werden und schreckt trotzdem vor einem kleinen Diebstahl nicht zurück. Aber Patricks Welt ist nicht heil; der Vater, ein Trinker, verläßt die Familie, und der Junge muß deshalb den Hohn der Spielkameraden ertragen. Er reagiert auf seine Weise: "Ich höre ihnen gar nicht zu. Es sind ja bloß Kinder."
Funny, warm and enriching. Alan Davies Daily Express
Roddy Doyle was born in Dublin in 1958. He is the author of twelve acclaimed novels including The Commitments, The Snapper, The Van and Smile, two collections of short stories, and Rory & Ita, a memoir about his parents. He won the Booker Prize in 1993 for Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha.

Über den Autor

Roddy Doyle was born in Dublin in 1958. He is the author of eleven acclaimed novels including The Commitments, The Snapper, The Van and Smile, two collections of short stories, and Rory & Ita, a memoir about his parents. He won the Booker Prize in 1993 for Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha.


WINNER OF THE BOOKER PRIZE 1993Paddy Clarke is ten years old. Paddy Clarke's heroes are Father Damien (and the lepers), Geronimo and George Best. Paddy Clarke loves his Ma and Da, but it seems like they don't love each other, and Paddy wants to understand, but can't. See also: Cal by Bernard MacLaverty

The bittersweet story of a boy growing up in north Dublin, winner of the Booker Prize
