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Creating a Comprehensive Trauma Center
Choices and Challenges
Mary Beth Williams & Lasse A. Nurmi

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Creating a Comprehensive Trauma Center



Early Thoughts on Creating Comprehensive Trauma Centers This volume has been many years in writing. When Dr. Donald Meichenbaum first suggested it and I approached my coauthor Lasse Nurmi, it did not seem to be as formidable a task as it has become. Interviewing the centers in this book has taken years-to get responses, to summarize those responses, and to return the summaries for further comment. Many centers have been created in that time; others have suspended operation. This volume does not claim to present even a majority of those centers. However, the ones contained herein are representative of "what is out there. " The idea to create a comprehensive trauma center is not new. The initial section of this forward examines thoughts I proposed as part of my compre­ hensive examination for my doctorate. Many of the ideas proposed then (1989) seem to fit now. It is my dream to put them into practice someday in the future. THE COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION QUESTION In 1989, one question on the written comprehensive examination ques­ tions for my doctorate was, "If you were to create a comprehensive trauma center in your suburban area, making use of what you have learned in your [doctoral] experience, describe the organization of that center, the mission, structure, personnel, funding, objectives, and services it would offer. " Some of the conclusions reached then now seem applicable to the task at hand: design­ ing comprehensive trauma centers (CTCs) for the 21st century.
Introduction. 1. The Complete Trauma Center as an Organization: Basic Concepts from Organizational Theory. 2. The Need for CTC's: The State of Trauma in the World Today. 3. Privately Developed Trauma Centers in the USA. 4. Centers with Affiliations, Centers in Progress. 5. Private and Non-for-Profit Centers Around the World. 6. Non Residential Affiliated Centers Throughout the World. 7. Centers Specializing in Trauma and the Work Place. 8. Hospital-Based Trauma Centers. 9. Centers for Holocaust Survivors and Their Families. 10. Centers Designed to Work with Refugees. 11. Trauma Centers for Children. 12. Governmentally Funded Trauma Centers. 13. Trauma: The Experts' View of What It Is and How to Treat It. 14. The Ideal Trauma Center as Described by Trauma Center Directors. 15. Constructing the Ideal Trauma Center: Reflections, recommendations, and Realities. 16. Epilogue: The Hamburg Experience: Providing Services in War-Torn Environments. Appendixes.
The goal of the Comprehensive Trauma Center (CTC) is to help survivors and/or victims re-empower themselves, restore wholeness and meaning, and integrate the trauma(s) they have experienced into their lives. This book describes the CTCs which vary in type and form but seek to provide a variety of services to victims and/or survivors.
Early Thoughts on Creating Comprehensive Trauma Centers This volume has been many years in writing. When Dr. Donald Meichenbaum first suggested it and I approached my coauthor Lasse Nurmi, it did not seem to be as formidable a task as it has become. Interviewing the centers in this book has taken years-to get responses, to summarize those responses, and to return the summaries for further comment. Many centers have been created in that time; others have suspended operation. This volume does not claim to present even a majority of those centers. However, the ones contained herein are representative of "what is out there. " The idea to create a comprehensive trauma center is not new. The initial section of this forward examines thoughts I proposed as part of my compre hensive examination for my doctorate. Many of the ideas proposed then (1989) seem to fit now. It is my dream to put them into practice someday in the future. THE COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION QUESTION In 1989, one question on the written comprehensive examination ques tions for my doctorate was, "If you were to create a comprehensive trauma center in your suburban area, making use of what you have learned in your [doctoral] experience, describe the organization of that center, the mission, structure, personnel, funding, objectives, and services it would offer. " Some of the conclusions reached then now seem applicable to the task at hand: design ing comprehensive trauma centers (CTCs) for the 21st century.
1. The Comprehensive Trauma Center as an Organization: Basic Concepts from Organizational Theory.- 2. The Need for Comprehensive Trauma Centers: The State of Trauma in the World Today.- 3. Privately Developed Trauma Centers in the United States.- 4. Centers with Affiliations and Centers in Progress.- 5. Private and Not-for-Profit Centers around the World.- 6. Nonresidential Affiliated Centers throughout the World.- 7. Centers Specializing in Trauma and the Workplace.- 8. Hospital-Based Trauma Centers.- 9. Centers for Holocaust Survivors and Their Families.- 10. Centers Designed to Work with Refugees.- 11. Trauma Centers for Children.- 12. Government Funded Trauma Centers.- 13. The Experts View of What Trauma Is and How to Treat It.- 14. Trauma Center Directors Describe the Ideal Trauma Center.- 15. Constructing the Ideal Trauma Center: Reflections, Recommendations, and Realities.- 16. The Hamburg Experience: Providing Services in War-Torn Environments.- References.- Appendixes.- I. Terms and Abbreviations.- II. Trauma Centers and Their Addresses.- III. The Research Protocol.
Dr. Mary Beth Williams behandelt Traumatisierte in ihrer Privatpraxis in Warrenton, Virginia, USA. Sie fungiert als Ausbilderin der International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) und lehrt Ethik für Traumatherapeuten. Weiterhin ist sie Trainerin für den Umgang mit Krisensituationen in Schulen. Die Autorin hat zudem ein Programm für traumatisierte Kriegsveteranen unter dem Titel 'Slogging through the Bog of War to Return to the World of Work' ('Durch den Sumpf des Krieges waten, um in die Arbeitswelt zurückkehren zu können') entwickelt. Sie war Präsidentin der Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists.


Early Thoughts on Creating Comprehensive Trauma Centers This volume has been many years in writing. When Dr. Donald Meichenbaum first suggested it and I approached my coauthor Lasse Nurmi, it did not seem to be as formidable a task as it has become. Interviewing the centers in this book has taken years-to get responses, to summarize those responses, and to return the summaries for further comment. Many centers have been created in that time; others have suspended operation. This volume does not claim to present even a majority of those centers. However, the ones contained herein are representative of "what is out there. " The idea to create a comprehensive trauma center is not new. The initial section of this forward examines thoughts I proposed as part of my compre­ hensive examination for my doctorate. Many of the ideas proposed then (1989) seem to fit now. It is my dream to put them into practice someday in the future. THE COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION QUESTION In 1989, one question on the written comprehensive examination ques­ tions for my doctorate was, "If you were to create a comprehensive trauma center in your suburban area, making use of what you have learned in your [doctoral] experience, describe the organization of that center, the mission, structure, personnel, funding, objectives, and services it would offer. " Some of the conclusions reached then now seem applicable to the task at hand: design­ ing comprehensive trauma centers (CTCs) for the 21st century.
