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Corporate Social Responsibility as an International Strategy
Contributions to Economics
Christina Keinert

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Corporate Social Responsibility as an International Strategy



Awarded the 2007 price of the Austrian Industrial Association

Increased financial performance and employee commitment are among the benefits the CSR model can offer corporations. This discussion presents practitioners and scholars with a unique examination of how firms can maximise productivity through the implementation of CSR programs. This publication discusses how CSR addresses business concerns of feasibility, barriers and drivers of internal and external practice; and whether a CSR program is likely to constitute a success or failure.


CSR, a concept aimed at determining the amount of responsibilities to be shouldered by private business toward stakeholder groups and society at large, deserves to be dealt with in considerable detail and not simply as another "PR fuzz" or marketing gag. As a model, CSR epitomises the old saying "business is business"; offering broader stakeholder management which can be seen as a competitive advantage.

Increased financial performance and employee commitment are among the benefits the CSR model can offer corporations. This discussion presents practitioners and scholars with a unique examination of how firms can maximise productivity through the implementation of CSR programs.

This publication discusses how CSR addresses business concerns of feasibility, barriers and drivers of internal and external practice; and whether a CSR program is likely to constitute a success or failure.

Overview Over the Historical Development.- Why Exactly has CSR Become a Necessity?.- CSR Conceptualisation.- Concrete CSR Measures: What can a Firm do?.- Major Potential Benefits of CSR Engagement.- Factors Impacting Upon CSR Engagement.- Conclusions.

Aus den Rezensionen:

"... In ihrer als Diplomarbeit an der Universität Wien eingereichten ... Arbeit formuliert ... Keinert ... das Ziel, `to have a look et [sic] this often used, but little known and understood concept of Corporate Social Responsibility as an increasingly important international corporate strategy` ... Dafür gibt sie ... eine gelungene Einführung in die geschichtliche Entwicklung des Konzepts im 20. Jahrhundert ... und wichtige Einflussfaktoren ... sowie Konzeptdefinitionen und -entwurfe ... Die Arbeit ... ist ... sicherlich für thematisch Interessierte Wissenschaftler und Studierende, vor allem der zweite Teil auch für Praktiker lesenswert." ([showUid]=1296&tx_taliterature_pi1[backPid]=267&cHash=43212dd628)

Aus den Rezensionen:

"... In ihrer als Diplomarbeit an der Universität Wien eingereichten ... Arbeit formuliert ... Keinert ... das Ziel, 'to have a look et [sic] this often used, but little known and understood concept of Corporate Social Responsibility as an increasingly important international corporate strategy' ... Dafür gibt sie ... eine gelungene Einführung in die geschichtliche Entwicklung des Konzepts im 20. Jahrhundert ... und wichtige Einflussfaktoren ... sowie Konzeptdefinitionen und -entwurfe ... Die Arbeit ... ist ... sicherlich für thematisch Interessierte Wissenschaftler und Studierende, vor allem der zweite Teil auch für Praktiker lesenswert." ([showUid]=1296&tx_taliterature_pi1[backPid]=267&cHash=43212dd628)


Overview Over the Historical Development.- Why Exactly has CSR Become a Necessity?.- CSR Conceptualisation.- Concrete CSR Measures: What can a Firm do?.- Major Potential Benefits of CSR Engagement.- Factors Impacting Upon CSR Engagement.- Conclusions.


Increased financial performance and employee commitment are among the benefits the CSR model can offer corporations. This discussion presents practitioners and scholars with a unique examination of how firms can maximise productivity through the implementation of CSR programs. This publication discusses how CSR addresses business concerns of feasibility, barriers and drivers of internal and external practice; and whether a CSR program is likely to constitute a success or failure.

Awarded the 2007 price of the Austrian Industrial Association

Includes supplementary material:

