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Lineare Regelungs- und Steuerungstheorie
Kurt Reinschke

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Lineare Regelungs- und Steuerungstheorie

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Unique on the German-speaking textbook market

Oriented towards internationally leading control engineering teaching concepts

Book impresses with clear precision and detail and good readability

Unique on the German-speaking textbook market

Oriented towards internationally leading control engineering teaching concepts

Book impresses with clear precision and detail and good readability

Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr.rer.nat. Kurt Reinschke has held a professorship for control theory at the TU Dresden since 1992 after many years of professional experience in research and industry. This university of excellence awarded him a senior research professorship in October 2012.

The reader is enabled to use the mathematical tools of linear system theory for control engineering purposes. The focus is on the function-theoretical and algebraic relationships that enable trajectory control, the design of robust stabilizing controllers and the continuous-time handling of sampling control loops. Numerous examples illustrate the application of the general laws. When modeling controlled systems, the unavoidable uncertainties are taken into account.

The work is now available in the second, completely revised and restructured version, which has been expanded in terms of content to include new research results on the design of open-loop and closed-loop control systems..

The reader is enabled to use the mathematical tools of linear system theory for control engineering purposes. The focus is on the function-theoretical and algebraic relationships that enable trajectory control, the design of robust stabilizing controllers and the continuous-time handling of sampling control loops. Numerous examples illustrate the application of the general laws. When modeling controlled systems, the unavoidable uncertainties are taken into account.

The work is now available in the second, completely revised and restructured version, which has been expanded in terms of content to include new research results on the design of open-loop and closed-loop control systems.

Introduction.- Mathematical deillegalscription of signals and transmission systems.- Stability of rational transfer functions.- Basic concepts of linear control theory.- Controllability from a mathematical point of view.- Deillegalscription of LTI systems by polynomial matrices.- Design of controls and MIMI systems.- State space methods.- Discrete-time LTI systems and sampling control loops.- Case study on the application of linear control theory.

Der Leser wird befähigt, die mathematischen Werkzeuge der linearen Systemtheorie für regelungstechnische Zwecke einzusetzen. Im Zentrum stehen die funktionentheoretischen und algebraischen Zusammenhänge, die sowohl Trajektoriensteuerungen als auch den Entwurf robuster stabilisierender Regler sowie die zeitkontinuierliche Behandlung von Abtastregelkreisen ermöglichen. Zahlreiche Beispiele illustrieren die Anwendung der allgemeinen Gesetzmäßigkeiten. Bei der Modellierung von Regelstrecken werden die unvermeidlichen Unbestimmtheiten berücksichtigt.

Das Werk liegt nun in der zweiten, vollständig überarbeiteten und neu strukturierten Fassung vor, die inhaltlich um neue Forschungsergebnisse zum Entwurf von Steuerungen und Reglern erweitert wurde.

Der Inhalt

Einführung.- Mathematische Beschreibung von Signalen und Übertragungssystemen.- Stabilität rationaler Übertragungsfunktionen.- Grundkonzepte der linearen Regelungstheorie.- Regelbarkeit aus mathematischer Sicht.- Beschreibung von LTI-Systemen durch Polynommatrizen.- Entwurf von Steuerungen und Reglern.- Zustandsraummethoden.-Zeitdiskrete LTI-Systeme und Abtastregelkreise.- Fallstudie

Die Zielgruppen

Das Buch wendet sich an Leser, die anwendungs-bezogene Grundkenntnisse der Regelungstechnik besitzen und nun tiefer in die Methoden der Regelung und Steuerung von linearen zeitkontinuierlichen Prozessen eindringen wollen.

Der Autor

Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr.rer.nat. Kurt Reinschke hatte nach langjährigen Berufserfahrung in Forschung und Industrie seit 1992 eine Professur für Regelungs- und Steuerungstheorie an der TU Dresden inne. Diese Exzellenzuniversität übertrug ihm im Oktober 2012 eine Forschungsseniorprofessur.

Introduction.- Mathematical deillegalscription of signals and transmission systems.- Stability of rational transfer functions.- Basic concepts of linear control theory.- Controllability from a mathematical point of view.- Deillegalscription of LTI systems by polynomial matrices.- Design of controls and MIMI systems.- State space methods.- Discrete-time LTI systems and sampling control loops.- Case study on the application of linear control theory.

Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr.rer.nat. Kurt Reinschke has held a professorship for control theory at the TU Dresden since 1992 after many years of professional experience in research and industry. This university of excellence awarded him a senior research professorship in October 2012.

Über den Autor

Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr.rer.nat. Kurt Reinschke has held a professorship for control theory at the TU Dresden since 1992 after many years of professional experience in research and industry. This university of excellence awarded him a senior research professorship in October 2012.rn


Introduction.- Mathematical deillegalscription of signals and transmission systems.- Stability of rational transfer functions.- Basic concepts of linear control theory.- Controllability from a mathematical point of view.- Deillegalscription of LTI systems by polynomial matrices.- Design of controls and MIMI systems.- State space methods.- Discrete-time LTI systems and sampling control loops.- Case study on the application of linear control theory.


The reader is enabled to use the mathematical tools of linear system theory for control engineering purposes. The focus is on the function-theoretical and algebraic relationships that enable trajectory control, the design of robust stabilizing controllers and the continuous-time handling of sampling control loops. Numerous examples illustrate the application of the general laws. When modeling controlled systems, the unavoidable uncertainties are taken into account.nnnThe work is now available in the second, completely revised and restructured version, which has been expanded in terms of content to include new research results on the design of open-loop and closed-loop control systems..

The reader is enabled to use the mathematical tools of linear system theory for control engineering purposes. The focus is on the function-theoretical and algebraic relationships that enable trajectory control, the design of robust stabilizing controllers and the continuous-time handling of sampling control loops. Numerous examples illustrate the application of the general laws. When modeling controlled systems, the unavoidable uncertainties are taken into account.

The work is now available in the second, completely revised and restructured version, which has been expanded in terms of content to include new research results on the design of open-loop and closed-loop control systems.

