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Der Prozess Jesu
Biblisch-theologische Schwerpunkte 28
Reinbold, Wolfgang

35,00 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit 5-6 Werktage


Eine allgemeinverständliche Einführung in die komplexen Fragen des Prozesses Jesu und seiner Wirkungsgeschichte. Der Prozess Jesu und seine Wirkungsgeschichte.
An up-to-date introduction into the complex questions and impact of the so called "Trial of Jesus". The book is directed at interested laypeople for which specilized literature is often hardly accessible.The Trial of Jesus is central to the Passion which is the key to the Gospels. The impact of this text is greater than any other text of the New Testament. Uncountable legends, pictures, altars, Passion plays and musical Passion tell the story of Jesus' arrest, Jesus brought before Syhedrium, then brought before Pilatus and eventually sentenced to the death of a criminal on the cross. Who was responsible for Jesus' death was put clearly in most handed down testimonies: "The Jews". Today this claim that has been common half a century ago is very controversial. Some believe the claim to be a dangerous cliche, supporters defend it especially against critique on behalf of the Jews.Wolfgang Reinbold shows the main problems of the discussion and unfolds all the material necessary to make up your own mind.
Dr. Wolfgang Reinbold ist Professor für Neues Testament an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und Beauftragter für Interreligiösen Dialog im Haus kirchlicher Dienste der Evangelisch-lutherischen Landeskirche Hannovers. Darüber hinaus hat er die Position des 1. Vorsitzenden des Hauses der Religionen - Zentrum für interreligiöse und interkulturelle Bildung (Hannover) inne und ist Mitglied der Konferenz für Kirche und Islam der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland sowie Mitglied des Rates der Religionen Hannover und des Bundeskongresses der Räte der Religionen (Sprecher). Bei der Radio- und YouTube-Reihe "Religion in 60 Sekunden" beantwortet er häufig gestellte Fragen aus der Welt der Religionen.
An up-to-date introduction into the complicated issues of the so-called 'Trial of Jesus', written for both Christian and Jewish readers.

Über den Autor

Dr. theol. Wolfgang Reinbold ist apl. Professor für Neues Testament an der Universität Göttingen und Pfarrer in Hannover.


An up-to-date introduction into the complex questions and impact of the so called "Trial of Jesus". The book is directed at interested laypeople for which specilized literature is often hardly accessible.The Trial of Jesus is central to the Passion which is the key to the Gospels. The impact of this text is greater than any other text of the New Testament. Uncountable legends, pictures, altars, Passion plays and musical Passion tell the story of Jesus' arrest, Jesus brought before Syhedrium, then brought before Pilatus and eventually sentenced to the death of a criminal on the cross. Who was responsible for Jesus' death was put clearly in most handed down testimonies: "The Jews". Today this claim that has been common half a century ago is very controversial. Some believe the claim to be a dangerous cliche, supporters defend it especially against critique on behalf of the Jews.Wolfgang Reinbold shows the main problems of the discussion and unfolds all the material necessary to make up your own mind.

Eine allgemeinverständliche Einführung in die komplexen Fragen des Prozesses Jesu und seiner Wirkungsgeschichte.
