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Johannes Reinke
Leben und Werk eines lutherischen Botanikers
Wissemann, Volker

99,00 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit 5-6 Werktage


Immer mehr entzaubert der alltägliche Wissenschaftsbetrieb die Geheimnisse des Lebens, doch das Beispiel von Johannes Reinke zeigt, dass die Einheit von Naturwissenschaft und Religion möglich ist.nnEinheit von Naturwissenschaft und Religion.
Modern science is daily concerned with unraveling the mysteries of life. And yet the example of Johannes Reinke shows that there is great agreement between natural science and religion.The life of the German botanist Johannes Reinke (1849-1931) is an example for the conflict between natural science and beliefs at the turn of the 20th century, under the influence of Charles Darwin and Ernst Haeckel. Volker Wissemann shows that Reinke represented a philosophy in which the unity of natural science and religion was prominent and vital, to both liturgy and to earning a living. Two previously unknown writings of the botanist, professor, writer, politician, philosopher and Lutheran protagonist Johannes Reinke are (re)published in this volume.
Dr. Volker Wissemann ist Professor für Spezielle Botanik an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Direktor des Instituts für Botanik und wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Botanischen Gartens Gießen.
In today's society the unity of science and religion has become more difficult to achieve. Volker Wissemann portrays the botanist, writer, politician and Lutheran John Reinke whose life illustrates the conflict of science and faith at the turn of the twentieth century. Influenced by Charles Darwin and Ernst Haeckel Reinke's way of life shows that the unity between faith and science was not only possible but important, even essential to him. This volume also publishes two of Reinke's works that have been hard to access up to now.

Über den Autor

Dr. Volker Wissemann ist Professor für Spezielle Botanik an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Direktor des Instituts für Botanik und wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Botanischen Gartens Gießen.


Modern science is daily concerned with unraveling the mysteries of life. And yet the example of Johannes Reinke shows that there is great agreement between natural science and religion.The life of the German botanist Johannes Reinke (1849-1931) is an example for the conflict between natural science and beliefs at the turn of the 20th century, under the influence of Charles Darwin and Ernst Haeckel. Volker Wissemann shows that Reinke represented a philosophy in which the unity of natural science and religion was prominent and vital, to both liturgy and to earning a living. Two previously unknown writings of the botanist, professor, writer, politician, philosopher and Lutheran protagonist Johannes Reinke are (re)published in this volume.

Immer mehr entzaubert der alltägliche Wissenschaftsbetrieb die Geheimnisse des Lebens, doch das Beispiel von Johannes Reinke zeigt, dass die Einheit von Naturwissenschaft und Religion möglich ist.

