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Everything Vikings
All the Incredible Facts and Fierce Fun You Can Plunder
Higgins, Nadia & National Geographic Kids

11,95 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit 6-7 Werktage


Hats with horns, flying may think you know everything there is to know about Vikings, but think again!

Über den Autor

The National Geographic Kid is curious about the world around them, empowered in the face of challenges and responsible for others and the natural world. Combining these principles with the international educational heritage of Collins, this partnership is a natural fit for books that are funny, weird, exploratory, educational and loved by children.


Hats with horns, flying may think you know everything there is to know about Vikings, but think again! With stunning visuals and energetic, impactful design, and full of fun facts and surprises, readers won't stop until they've learned everything about Vikings.
