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Der Felsendom und die Wallfahrt nach Jerusalem
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen 114
Werner Caskel

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Der Felsendom und die Wallfahrt nach Jerusalem


Der Felsendom und die Wallfahrt nach Jerusalem.- Diskussionsbeiträge.- Staatssekretär Professor Dr. h. c, Dr.-Ing. E. h. Leo Brandt, Professor Dr. phil. Werner Caskel, Frau Professor Dr. phil. Eleanor von Erdberg Consten, Prohssor Dr. phil. Kurt Weitzmann, Professor Dr. phil., D.Litt. h. c. Walther Holtzmann, Professor Dr. phil. Josef Kroll, Professor Dr. phil. Theodor Kraus, Landtagsabgeordneter Dr. rer. pol. Josef Hofmann, Ministerialdirigent Werner Haugg, Professor Dr. jur., Dr. jur. h. c. Hans Peters.

Is was not too long ago that the cupola construction rising above Arabic Jerusalem was known amongst pilgrims and travellers as the Omar Mosque. Actually it is neither a mosque nor does it have any connection with Caliph Omar, 634-644. It was not built, that is, completed, until 691 by Caliph


Der Felsendom und die Wallfahrt nach Jerusalem.- Diskussionsbeiträge.- Staatssekretär Professor Dr. h. c, Dr.-Ing. E. h. Leo Brandt, Professor Dr. phil. Werner Caskel, Frau Professor Dr. phil. Eleanor von Erdberg Consten, Prohssor Dr. phil. Kurt Weitzmann, Professor Dr. phil., D.Litt. h. c. Walther Holtzmann, Professor Dr. phil. Josef Kroll, Professor Dr. phil. Theodor Kraus, Landtagsabgeordneter Dr. rer. pol. Josef Hofmann, Ministerialdirigent Werner Haugg, Professor Dr. jur., Dr. jur. h. c. Hans Peters.


Is was not too long ago that the cupola construction rising above Arabic Jerusalem was known amongst pilgrims and travellers as the Omar Mosque. Actually it is neither a mosque nor does it have any connection with Caliph Omar, 634-644. It was not built, that is, completed, until 691 by Caliph
