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The Railroad
The Life Story of a Technology
Grant, H. Roger

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The railway altered the landscape to the United States. Within a few decades of the invention of the locomotive, railways stretched from coast to coast, enabling people and goods to travel far greater distances than ever before, completely altering our concept of time and space.

Über den Autor

H. Roger Grant


Series Foreword
Gestation, 1800-1860
Youth, 1860-1880
Maturity, 1880-1940
Old Age, 1940-1970
Rebirth, 1970-Present
Appendix: Steam Locomotive Types
Selected Bibliography


Railroads altered the landscape of the United States. Within a few decades of the invention of the locomotive, railways stretched from coast to coast, enabling people and goods to travel far greater distances than ever before, completely altering our concept of time and space. And while railroads may seem like an old technology, they continue to be an essential means of transporting both good and people, and new technologies are making the railroads an increasingly relevant resource for the 21st century. This volume in the Greenwood Technographies series tells the life story of all aspects of railroad technology-everything from the structure of the track to communications to what powers the locomotive.

Tells the story of the evolution of the railroad, from the earliest steam engines to the development of maglev trains
