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Cultural Ways of Worldmaking
Media and Narratives

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Cultural Ways of Worldmaking



Die Reihe widmet sich zentralen neueren Konzepten und Methoden im Feld der kulturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung und inhaltlichen Fragestellungen. Sie zielt darauf, die gegenwärtige Diskussion in den Kulturwissenschaften weiter zu profilieren und sie zugleich für die Arbeit in den Disziplinen fruchtbar zu machen: durch die Ausarbeitung interdisziplinärer Schlüsselkonzepte und die Entwicklung einer transkulturellen study of culture.

Die Bände gehen überwiegend aus den Literatur-, Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften hervor, aber auch aus der Politikwissenschaft, der Soziologie und den Medienwissenschaften.

Vera Nünning, Heidelberg University; Ansgar Nünning and Birgit Neumann, Justus Liebig University Giessen.

Taking as its point of departure Nelson Goodman´s theory of symbol systems as delineated in his seminal book "Ways of Worldmaking”, this volume gauges the possibilities and perspectives offered by the worldmaking approach as a model for the study of culture. Its main objectives are to explore the usefulness and scope of the approach for the study of culture and to supplement Goodman´s philosophy of worldmaking with a number of complementary disciplinary perspectives, literary and cultural approaches, and new questions and applications. It focuses on three key issues or concepts which illuminate ways of worldmaking and their interdisciplinary relevance and ramifications, viz. (1) theoretical approaches to ways of worldmaking, (2) the impact of media on ways of worldmaking, and (3) narratives as ways of worldmaking. The volume serves to demonstrate how specific media and narratives affect the worlds that are created, and shows how these worlds are established as socially relevant. It also illustrates the extent to which ways of worldmaking are imbued with cultural values, and thus inevitably implicated in power relations.

Die Reihe widmet sich zentralen neueren Konzepten und Methoden im Feld der kulturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung und inhaltlichen Fragestellungen. Sie zielt darauf, die gegenwärtige Diskussion in den Kulturwissenschaften weiter zu profilieren und sie zugleich für die Arbeit in den Disziplinen fruchtbar zu machen.

Taking as its point of departure Nelson Goodman's theory of symbol systems as delineated in his seminal book "Ways of Worldmaking", this volume gauges the possibilities and perspectives offered by the worldmaking approach as a model for the study of culture.

Taking as its point of departure Nelson Goodman's theory of symbol systems as delineated in his seminal book "Ways of Worldmaking", this volume gauges the possibilities and perspectives offered by the worldmaking approach as a model for the study of culture. Its main objectives are to explore the usefulness and scope of the approach for the study of culture and to supplement Goodman's philosophy of worldmaking with a number of complementary disciplinary perspectives, literary and cultural approaches, and new questions and applications. It focuses on three key issues or concepts which illuminate ways of worldmaking and their interdisciplinary relevance and ramifications, viz. (1) theoretical approaches to ways of worldmaking, (2) the impact of media on ways of worldmaking, and (3) narratives as ways of worldmaking. The volume serves to demonstrate how specific media and narratives affect the worlds that are created, and shows how these worlds are established as socially relevant. It also illustrates the extent to which ways of worldmaking are imbued with cultural values, and thus inevitably implicated in power relations.

Über den Autor

Vera Nünning, Heidelberg University; Ansgar Nünning and Birgit Neumann, Justus Liebig University Giessen.


Taking as its point of departure Nelson Goodman's theory of symbol systems as delineated in his seminal book ?Ways of Worldmaking?, this volume gauges the possibilities and perspectives offered by the worldmaking approach as a model for the study of culture. Its main objectives are to explore the usefulness and scope of the approach for the study of culture and to supplement Goodman's philosophy of worldmaking with a number of complementary disciplinary perspectives, literary and cultural approaches, and new questions and applications. It focuses on three key issues or concepts which illuminate ways of worldmaking and their interdisciplinary relevance and ramifications, viz. (1) theoretical approaches to ways of worldmaking, (2) the impact of media on ways of worldmaking, and (3) narratives as ways of worldmaking. The volume serves to demonstrate how specific media and narratives affect the worlds that are created, and shows how these worlds are established as socially relevant. It also illustrates the extent to which ways of worldmaking are imbued with cultural values, and thus inevitably implicated in power relations.

Exklusives Verkaufsrecht für: Gesamte Welt.
