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Christ in the Letters of Paul
In Place of a Christology
Hendrikus Boers

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Christ in the Letters of Paul



Hendrikus Boers, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
This study addresses the centrality of Christ in Paul´s thought, recognizing at the same time that he does not express the meaning of Christ as an existing teaching. Christ as a person, not a teaching, determines Paul´s thinking, for himself and in his reasoning with his readers. Christ comes to expression in Paul as the explication of the fundamental reality for himself and for his readers. He develops his thoughts about Christ in each case anew as expressions of the Lord who determines his life and the lives of his readers. In his reasoning with his readers, he expects them to become aware of Christ as the one who determines them in their new lives as believers.

The series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZNW) is one of the oldest and most highly regarded international scholarly book series in the field of New Testament studies. Since 1923 it has been a forum for seminal works focusing on Early Christianity and related fields. The series is grounded in a historical-critical approach and also explores new methodological approaches that advance our understanding of the New Testament and its world.


Die Reihe Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZNW) ist eine der renommiertesten internationalen Buchreihen zur neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft. Seit 1923 publiziert sie wegweisende Forschungsarbeiten zum frühen Christentum und angrenzenden Themengebieten. Die Reihe ist historisch-kritisch verankert und steht neuen methodischen Ansätzen, die unser Verständnis des Neuen Testaments befördern, gleichfalls offen gegenüber.

This study addresses the centrality of Christ in Paul's thought, recognizing at the same time that he does not express the meaning of Christ as an existing teaching. Christ as a person, not a teaching, determines Paul's thinking, for himself and in his reasoning with his readers.

This study addresses the centrality of Christ in Paul's thought, recognizing at the same time that he does not express the meaning of Christ as an existing teaching. Christ as a person, not a teaching, determines Paul's thinking, for himself and in his reasoning with his readers. Christ comes to expression in Paul as the explication of the fundamental reality for himself and for his readers. He develops his thoughts about Christ in each case anew as expressions of the Lord who determines his life and the lives of his readers. In his reasoning with his readers, he expects them to become aware of Christ as the one who determines them in their new lives as believers.

The study has two main parts: "The meaning of Christ for Paul personally" and "The meaning of Christ for the believer".

Hendrikus Boers, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Über den Autor

Hendrikus Boers, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.


The study has two main parts: "The meaning of Christ for Paul personally" and "The meaning of Christ for the believer".


rnThis study addresses the centrality of Christ in Paul's thought, recognizing at the same time that he does not express the meaning of Christ as an existing teaching. Christ as a person, not a teaching, determines Paul's thinking, for himself and in his reasoning with his readers. Christ comes to expression in Paul as the explication of the fundamental reality for himself and for his readers. He develops his thoughts about Christ in each case anew as expressions of the Lord who determines his life and the lives of his readers. In his reasoning with his readers, he expects them to become aware of Christ as the one who determines them in their new lives as believers.
