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Idiomatic Mastery in a First and Second Language
Karlsson, Monica

47,45 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit 6-7 Werktage


The comprehension, retention and production of idiomatic expressions is one of the most difficult areas of the lexicon for second language learners to master. This book investigates this under-researched and interesting aspect of language acquisition, shedding light on conventional uses of idiomatic expressions as well as creative variant forms.

Über den Autor

Monica Karlsson is Lecturer in English Linguistics and Didactics at Halmstad University, Sweden. She has been working in the field of second language acquisition for 20 years, focusing on the specific areas of grammar and vocabulary.


The comprehension, retention and production of idiomatic expressions is one of the most difficult areas of the lexicon for second language learners to master. This book investigates this under-researched and interesting aspect of language acquisition, shedding light on conventional uses of idiomatic expressions as well as creative variant forms.
