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Practical Art Anatomy
Lutz, E. G.

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32,95 €

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Über den Autor

Darren R. Rousar is an atelier-trained artist and teacher who writes books to teach you how to draw and paint. He does this by first teaching you how to see using Sight-Size. Darren has written six books, the most recent being The Sight-Size Cast (learn more here: He has been teaching students how to see since 1988, both in the States and in Florence, Italy. Every other week he publishes an article on July of 2018 Darren opened Atelier Rousar | online and launched its first course, Sight-Size Cast Drawing ( his publishing company, Velatura Press, he has also republished an expanded edition of E.G. Lutz's 1921 book, Drawing Made Easy and edited a combined reprint of Asher B. Durand's 1855 Letters on Landscape Painting with Birge Harrison's 1910 Landscape Painting.


A clear and informative pocket-sized guide to understanding and drawing the human figuren n First published in 1918, Practical Art Anatomy offers concise yet thorough explanations of the structure of the skeleton, the arrangement of muscles and how they work together to define the human form. n n Detailed line drawings throughout the book aid identification and depiction of each anatomical feature, making Practical Art Anatomy indispensable both as a tutorial for the student and a reference guide for the more experienced artist.
