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Parenti, Christian

31,45 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit ca. 17 Werktage


Why is criminal justice so central to American politics? This title not only documents the horrors and absurdities of militarized policing, prisons, a fortified border, and the federalization of the war on crime, but also explains the political and economic history behind the massive crackdown.

Über den Autor

Christian Parenti


Why is criminal justice so central to American politics? Lockdown America not
only documents the horrors and absurdities of militarized policing, prisons, a
fortified border, and the federalization of the war on crime, it also explains the
political and economic history behind the massive crackdown. This fully updated
and expanded edition includes an afterword on the War on Terror, a meditation
on surveillance and the specter of terrorism as they help reanimate the criminal
justice attack. Written in vivid prose, Lockdown America will propel readers
toward a deeper understanding of the links between crime and politics in a period
of gathering economic crisis.
