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The Oil Road
Journeys from the Caspian Sea to the City of London
Marriott, James & Minio-Paluello, Mika

17,45 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit 6-7 Werktage


Über den Autor

James Marriott is an artist, naturalist, activist and co-author of The Next Gulf: London, Washington and the Oil Conflict in Nigeria.

Based in Cairo, Mika Minio-Paluello is a sailor, beekeeper and campaigner for social movements resisting oil companies. Both work for Platform, a London-based arts, human rights and environmental justice organisation (


Subtitled, "Journeys From The Caspian Sea To The City Of London". A profound exploration into issues of resource democracy, power and corruption, investment and poverty. Now in paperback.
