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Comparison-Shopping Services and Agent Designs
Wan, Yun

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Popular among online shoppers, comparison-shopping provides a sales channel for small to medium enterprises to contend with brand name vendors. This book provides a collection of comprehensive research articles on the technologies involved with online consumer services.

Über den Autor

Yun Wan is an assistant professor in computer information systems and the Master of Science in Computer Information Systems (MS-CIS) graduate program advisor at the University of Houston, Victoria. His research interests include decision support systems, especially software agents, and e-commerce. Wan has a BS in management and a BE in computer science from the University of Science and Technology of China, and a PhD in management information systems from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Contact him at


Agent designs; Comparison-shopping; Durability comparison; Efficiency of search patterns; Online environments; Price comparison; Product complexity; Search patterns in electronic market; Shopbots; Shopping behavior; Small online vendors.


Popular among online shoppers, comparison-shopping provides a new sales channel for small to medium enterprises to contend with brand name vendors. Comparison-Shopping Services and Agent Designs provides a collection of comprehensive research articles on the rising demand for more informative consumer services. This Premier Reference Source provides e-commerce and agent technology researchers, academicians, and practitioners with a useful overview and references to the latest advancements in the field.
