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Analysis, History, Cases
Williams, Karel & Haslam, Colin & Johal, Sukhdev

42,45 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit ca. 17 Werktage


Through developing an original analytical framework that, for the first time, systematically relates productive, market and financial variables, the authors are able to rewrite the history of the car business since Henry Ford.

Über den Autor

nJohn Williams is Professor at the Department of Economics and Agricultural Economics, University of Wales at Aberystwyth.




nChapter 1. Financial and Physical Characteristics
nChapter 2. Investment and Productive Intervention
nChapter 3. Better Flow or Lower Wages
nChapter 4. Market Characteristics and Volume Fluctuations
nChapter 5. Unbalanced International Trade
nChapter 6. Ford and Toyota: Myth, Romance and Illusion
nChapter 7. BMC/BLMC/BL: Market-led Failure
nChapter 8. Western Europe: The Weak Industry and the Irresolute Confederation
nChapter 9. America versus Japan: Bad Companies or Different Social Settlements




Through developing an original analytical framework that, for the first time, systematically relates productive, market and financial variables, the authors are able to rewrite the history of the car business since Henry Ford.nnnKarel Williams teaches at the Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Manchester.nnnJohn Williams is Professor at the Department of Economics and Agricultural Economics, University of Wales at Aberystwyth.nnnColin Haslam and Sukhdev Johal direct the Business Policy Group at the East London Business School, University of East London.
