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The Hair and Scalp - A Clinical Study
Savill, Agnes

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47,95 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
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Originally published in 1935, this is an exhaustive look at the diseases and treatments of the hair and scalp, written by the foremost doctor working in the area at that time. Much of the content, particularly the treatment suggestions, are still of practical use today. Contents Include: Structure and Physiology of the Hair Canities: Grey Hair Care of the Hair The Molecular Structure and Elastic Properties of Hair (by W.T.Astbury) Commen Disorders of the Hair Diffuse Hairfall A . Without Disease of the Scalp Large Areas of Baldness Diffuse Hairfall : B. With Disease of the Scalp. Hairfall and Oiliness Hairfall with Bald Patches Itching of the Scalp Scaly Conditions of the Scalp Scaly Conditions with Fungi in the Hair Erythematous Eruptions Pustular and Bullous Conditions of the Scalp Vesicular and Bullous Conditions of the Scalp Defects of the Hair Shafts Warts, Swellings, Nodules and Tumours Altered Colour of the Scalp Hair Dies Hirstuties Formulae
