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Approaches and Applications

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Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz received his Ph.D. from the University of Calgary in 1993. He is a Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto. He received a number of awards for his work in biological chemistry. His research is focused on the design surface-supported functional bioconjugates for the study of biological interactions and enzymatic activities including protein kinase catalyzed phosphorylations. His current research interests are in the area of biomaterials and biochemical transformations and analysis.Sanela Martic is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Oakland University, USA, since 2012. Dr. Martic received her Ph.D. degree in 2009 from Queen's University at Kingston, under the supervision of Prof. Suning Wang and co-supervision of Prof. Gang Wu. Her Ph.D. dissertation was on the synthesis of fluorescent nucleosides and their self-assembly. Jointly with her colleague, Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz, she focused on the synthesis of the redox active bioconjugates for protein kinase phosphorylations. Her current research interests include the self-assembly of peptides and proteins towards new biomaterials and bioanalytical methods.
Authored by the world's leading kinase experts, this is a comprehensive introduction to current knowledge and practice within this emerging field. Following an overview of the major players and pathways that define the kinome, the major part of this work is devoted to current strategies of kinome investigation and manipulation. As such, kinase engineering, peptide substrate engineering, co-substrate design and kinase inhibitor design are discussed in detail, and their potential applications in kinome analysis and kinome-based pharmacotherapy are shown.The result is a toolbox for every kinase researcher: By addressing and comparing current approaches to the study of kinase action, both novice and established researchers will benefit from the practical knowledge contained in this invaluable reference.|Das umfassende Referenzwerk zur Kinase-Forschung: Ausführlich werden die Themen Kinase-Engineering, Peptidsubstrat-Engineering, das Design von Co-Substraten und Kinasehemmer erläutert sowie deren Anwendung in der Bio- und Pharmaforschung beschrieben.
Authored by the world's leading kinase experts, this is a comprehensive introduction to current knowledge and practice within this emerging field. Following an overview of the major players and pathways that define the kinome, the major part of this work is devoted to current strategies of kinome investigation and manipulation.

PART 1: Protein Kinases Cell Signaling'Genuine' Casein Kinase (Fam20C): The Mother of the Phospho-SecretomeChemical Biology of Protein KinasProtein Kinases and Caspases: Bidirectional Interactions in ApoptosisThe Kinomics of MalariaPART 2: ATP Co-Substrate DesignATP Analogs in Kinase ResearchElectrochemical Detection of Protein Kinase Catalyzed PhosphorylationsPART 3: New Methodologies for KinomicsPhos-tag Technology for KinomicsDevelopment of Species- and Process-Specific Peptide Kinome Arrays with Priority Application to Investigations of Infectious DiseaseNew Approaches to Understanding Bacterial Histidine Kinase Activity and InhibitionMethods for Large-Scale Identification of Protein Kinase-Substrate NetworksPART 4: Kinase InhibitionDeveloping Inhibitors of STAT3: Targeting Downstream of the Kinases for Treating DiseaseMetal Compounds as Kinase and Phosphatase Inhibitors in Drug Development: The Role of the Metal and Ligands

Über den Autor

Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz received his Ph.D. from the University of Calgary in 1993. He is a Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto. He received a number of awards for his work in biological chemistry. His research is focused on the design surface-supported functional bioconjugates for the study of biological interactions and enzymatic activities including protein kinase catalyzed phosphorylations. His current research interests are in the area of biomaterials and biochemical transformations and analysis.nnSanela Martic is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Oakland University, USA, since 2012. Dr. Martic received her Ph.D. degree in 2009 from Queen's University at Kingston, under the supervision of Prof. Suning Wang and co-supervision of Prof. Gang Wu. Her Ph.D. dissertation was on the synthesis of fluorescent nucleosides and their self-assembly. Jointly with her colleague, Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz, she focused on the synthesis of the redox active bioconjugates for protein kinase phosphorylations. Her current research interests include the self-assembly of peptides and proteins towards new biomaterials and bioanalytical methods.


PART 1: Protein Kinases Cell Signalingn'Genuine' Casein Kinase (Fam20C): The Mother of the Phospho-SecretomenChemical Biology of Protein KinasnProtein Kinases and Caspases: Bidirectional Interactions in ApoptosisnThe Kinomics of MalarianPART 2: ATP Co-Substrate DesignnATP Analogs in Kinase ResearchnElectrochemical Detection of Protein Kinase Catalyzed PhosphorylationsnPART 3: New Methodologies for KinomicsnPhos-tag Technology for KinomicsnDevelopment of Species- and Process-Specific Peptide Kinome Arrays with Priority Application to Investigations of Infectious DiseasenNew Approaches to Understanding Bacterial Histidine Kinase Activity and InhibitionnMethods for Large-Scale Identification of Protein Kinase-Substrate NetworksnPART 4: Kinase InhibitionnDeveloping Inhibitors of STAT3: Targeting Downstream of the Kinases for Treating DiseasenMetal Compounds as Kinase and Phosphatase Inhibitors in Drug Development: The Role of the Metal and Ligandsnn


Authored by the world's leading kinase experts, this is a comprehensive introduction to current knowledge and practice within this emerging field. nFollowing an overview of the major players and pathways that define the kinome, the major part of this work is devoted to current strategies of kinome investigation and manipulation. As such, kinase engineering, peptide substrate engineering, co-substrate design and kinase inhibitor design are discussed in detail, and their potential applications in kinome analysis and kinome-based pharmacotherapy are shown.nThe result is a toolbox for every kinase researcher: By addressing and comparing current approaches to the study of kinase action, both novice and established researchers will benefit from the practical knowledge contained in this invaluable reference.n
