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Foodborne Parasites in the Food Supply Web
Occurrence and Control
Gajadhar, Alvin A.

212,45 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage


Foodborne Parasites in the Food Supply Web: Occurrence and Control provides an overview of the occurrence, transmission, and control of parasites in the food chain, including an introduction to the topic from the perspectives of various issues surrounding foodborne parasites. The text then explores the different types of foodborne parasites, the dynamics of parasite transmission in different food sources, and the prevention and control of foodborne parasites in the food chain.

Part I Perspectives

1. Introduction

Alvin A. Gajadhar

2. Current trends in food production practices related to foodborne parasites

Ray Gamble

3. Foodborne parasites and climate change: possible impact and challenges

Lydden Polley

4. Role of society and culture in the epidemiology of foodborne parasites

Calum Macpherson and S. Bidaisee

5. Socioeconomic burden of foodborne parasites

James Conlan and Aparna Lal

Part II Parasites

6. Foodborne apicomplexan protozoa: coccidia

Alvin A. Gajadhar, Laura Lalonde, Batol Al-Adhami, Balbir B. Singh and Vlad Lobanov

7. Foodborne, enteric, non-apicomplexan unicellular parasites

Andrew Thompson

8. Foodborne parasites: nematodes

Edoardo Pozio

9. Foodborne parasites: Cestodes

Stanny Geerts

10. Foodborne parasites: trematodes

Jitra Waikagul, Megumi Sato and Marcello Otake Sato

Part III Transmission dynamics in food sources

11. Transmission dynamics of foodborne parasites in pork (pig and wild boar)

Heidi Enemark, Maria Vang Johansen and Lis Alban

12. Transmission dynamics of foodborne parasites in fish and shellfish

Simon Jones

13. Transmission dynamics of foodborne parasites on fresh produce

Brent Dixon

Part IV Prevention and Control

14. Components of control for foodborne parasites and their application in the food production chain

Brad Scandrett

15. Modelling as an approach to identify and manage food safety risks related to parasites in the food chain

Pascal Delaquis and Susan Bach

16. Laboratory diagnostic methods

Rebecca Traub and Leigh Cuttell

17. The role of regulatory and standard setting organizations in the control of neglected foodborne parasites

Pascal Boireau, Isabelle Vallée, Alvin Gajadhar, Xuelin Wang and Liu Mingyuan


Part I Perspectives

1. Introduction

Alvin A. Gajadhar

2. Current trends in food production practices related to foodborne parasites

Ray Gamble

3. Foodborne parasites and climate change: possible impact and challenges

Lydden Polley

4. Role of society and culture in the epidemiology of foodborne parasites

Calum Macpherson and S. Bidaisee

5. Socioeconomic burden of foodborne parasites

James Conlan and Aparna Lal

Part II Parasites

6. Foodborne apicomplexan protozoa: coccidia

Alvin A. Gajadhar, Laura Lalonde, Batol Al-Adhami, Balbir B. Singh and Vlad Lobanov

7. Foodborne, enteric, non-apicomplexan unicellular parasites

Andrew Thompson

8. Foodborne parasites: nematodes

Edoardo Pozio

9. Foodborne parasites: Cestodes

Stanny Geerts

10. Foodborne parasites: trematodes

Jitra Waikagul, Megumi Sato and Marcello Otake Sato

Part III Transmission dynamics in food sources

11. Transmission dynamics of foodborne parasites in pork (pig and wild boar)

Heidi Enemark, Maria Vang Johansen and Lis Alban

12. Transmission dynamics of foodborne parasites in fish and shellfish

Simon Jones

13. Transmission dynamics of foodborne parasites on fresh produce

Brent Dixon

Part IV Prevention and Control

14. Components of control for foodborne parasites and their application in the food production chain

Brad Scandrett

15. Modelling as an approach to identify and manage food safety risks related to parasites in the food chain

Pascal Delaquis and Susan Bach

16. Laboratory diagnostic methods

Rebecca Traub and Leigh Cuttell

17. The role of regulatory and standard setting organizations in the control of neglected foodborne parasites

Pascal Boireau, Isabelle Vallée, Alvin Gajadhar, Xuelin Wang and Liu Mingyuan


. Foodborne Parasites in the Food Supply Web: Occurrence and Control provides an overview of the occurrence, transmission, and control of parasites in the food chain, including an introduction to the topic from the perspectives of various issues surrounding foodborne parasites. The text then explores the different types of foodborne parasites, the dynamics of parasite transmission in different food sources, and the prevention and control of foodborne parasites in the food chain.
