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Cognate Vocabulary in Language Acquisition and Use: Attitudes, Awareness, Activation
Attitudes, Awareness, Activation
Otwinowska, Agnieszka

120,45 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit ca. 22 Werktage


This book brings together linguistic, psycholinguistic and educational perspectives on the phenomenon of cognate vocabulary across languages. It discusses extensive qualitative and quantitative data on Polish-English cognates and their use by learners/users of English to show the importance of cognates in language acquisition and learning.


This book brings together linguistic, psycholinguistic and educational perspectives on the phenomenon of cognate vocabulary across languages. It discusses extensive qualitative and quantitative data on Polish-English cognates and their use by learners/users of English to show the importance of cognates in language acquisition and learning.
