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Great Civilisations: The Maya
Kelly, Tracey

14,45 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit 6-7 Werktage


Introduces the achievements of past civilisations through 12 structures or objects, each of which illustrates a key aspect or theme of that civilisation.

Über den Autor

Tracey Kelly is an experienced children's non-fiction author, specialising in historical subjects.


  • 1: Who Were the Maya?
  • 1: Fantastic Cities - Architecture
  • 1: New Water Ways
  • 1: A Mayan Time Machine - Timekeeping
  • 1: Society Snapshot - People
  • 1: Chocolate Goddess - Food and Health
  • 1: Band of Celebration - Arts and Music
  • 1: Stargazer's Observatory - Astronomy
  • 1: Oldest Book - Writing
  • 1: Unique Beauty - Fashion
  • 1: Visions of Heaven - Religion
  • 1: Game of Throws - Sport
  • 1: Temple of Warriors - Warfare
  • 1: Glossary and websites


Introduces the achievements of past civilisations through 12 structures or objects, each of which illustrates a key aspect or theme of that civilisation.

Introduces the achievements of past civilisations through 12 structures or objects, each of which illustrates a key aspect or theme of that civilisation.
