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Naylor, Trevor

13,95 €

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Featuring 200 colour photographs and captions explaining the fascinating stories behind each image, Egypt is a stunning portrait of an ancient and modern land.

Über den Autor

Trevor Naylor is a Yorkshire-born author who regards Egypt as his second home. He has explored every corner of the country and written several books about it, including Cairo Inside Out, Egypt Inside Out, and Living Normally: Where Life Comes Before Style. He also coauthored A Roving Eye: Head to Toe In Egyptian Arabic Expression.


The splendor of Egypt's antiquities is legendary, drawing millions of visitors. But the country also boasts beautiful beaches on the Red Sea; bustling markets in Cairo and Alexandria; breathtaking tombs, temples, and pyramids; and Arab and Ottoman culture. From desert monasteries to the Suez Canal, from mausoleums hidden for centuries to medieval souks and modern urban life, Egypt guides readers through this exceptional country.
