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Hacks for Minecrafters: Command Blocks: The Unofficial Guide to Tips and Tricks That Other Guides Won't Teach You
Miller, Megan

9,45 €

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Hacks for Minecrafters: Command Blocks: The Unofficial Guide to Tips and Tricks That Other Guides Won't Teach You


Über den Autor

Megan Miller was born in Talara, Peru, and from there grew up in Miami, Barcelona, and the suburbs of London, England. She's also lived in Houston, Austin, NYC, the Hudson Valley, Kentucky, and finally New Mexico. She plays Minecraft daily, and has also spent many hours in the past with arcade game Centipede, the first Castle Wolfenstein shooters, the first color Mac space shooter Crystal Quest, The Sims, Sim City (1-3), City Skylines, Civilization, and more. You can contact her through her website, - (see you there!)


From the author of "Hacks for Minecrafters" comes the updated 1.13 guide to using command blocks in the world of Minecraft. Full color.
