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Fürstinnen und Konfession
Beiträge hochadeliger Frauen zur Religionspolitik und Bekenntnisbildung
Gerth, Daniel & Osten-Sacken, Vera von der

89,00 €

inkl. MwSt. · Portofrei
Lieferzeit 5-6 Werktage


Die Beiträge präsentieren die Ergebnisse der interdisziplinären und internationalen Tagung "Fürstinnen und Konfession" zum wenig erforschten religionspolitischen Wirken hochadliger Frauen in der frühen Neuzeit. Im Vordergrund stehen protestantische Fürstinnen, die teils große Handlungsspielräume nutzen konnten. Neben traditionellen Betätigungsfeldern, wie Heirats- und Allianzenpolitik, Netzwerkbildung und Sicherung dynastischer Interessen, griffen die Fürstinnen gezielt in die Religionspolitik ein und wirkten z.B. einflussreich in Kontroversen um die Bekenntnisnorm ihrer Untertanen oder die Besetzung von Predigtämtern. Hochadelige Frauen als Bekenntnisbildnerinnen
For a long time the political impact of princesses in the centuries following the Reformation has been largely ignored by historians. This is partly due to the complexity of the existing body of source material, but also to the social conventions in Early Modern Europe that often confined women to operating primarily "behind the scenes". Recent research on prominent princesses, such as Duchess Elisabeth of Brunswick-Calenberg, Electress Anna of Saxony and Duchess Dorothea Susanna of Saxe-Weimar, have, however, impressively shown that women of high nobility in various situations decisively shaped religious and confessional politics at and beyond the territorial level employing a broad array of means and resources. The present collection of essays examines forms and effectsof this influence, thereby offering a multifaceted series of new studies on women of high nobility in the 16th and 17th century.
Dr. phil. Daniel Gehrt is currently working as a manuillegalscript preparator at the scholarly library of Gotha. Dr. theol. Vera von der Osten-Sacken is assistant professor at the Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany.

Über den Autor

Dr. phil. Daniel Gehrt is currently working as a manuillegalscript preparator at the scholarly library of Gotha. Dr. theol. Vera von der Osten-Sacken is assistant professor at the Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany.


For a long time the political impact of princesses in the centuries following the Reformation has been largely ignored by historians. This is partly due to the complexity of the existing body of source material, but also to the social conventions in Early Modern Europe that often confined women to operating primarily "behind the scenes". Recent research on prominent princesses, such as Duchess Elisabeth of Brunswick-Calenberg, Electress Anna of Saxony and Duchess Dorothea Susanna of Saxe-Weimar, have, however, impressively shown that women of high nobility in various situations decisively shaped religious and confessional politics at and beyond the territorial level employing a broad array of means and resources. The present collection of essays examines forms and effectsof this influence, thereby offering a multifaceted series of new studies on women of high nobility in the 16th and 17th century.

Die Bedeutung hochadeliger Frauen in der frühen Neuzeit in den Fokus kirchengeschichtlicher Forschung gerückt.

