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The communist manifesto, 2 Audio-CDs
Engels, Friedrich & Marx, Karl

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The communist manifesto, 2 Audio-CDs


Often referred to but rarely read, The Communist Manifesto is one of the great documents of world history. Written by Marx and Engels and published in London in 1848 (in German originally) it presented a totally different view of social and political organization, as revolutionary as Darwin's On the Origin of Species. The Manifesto's effect on world politics was incalculable, but though it might seem to have been discredited by the late 20th century, it remains an ideology which, in many ways, can be admired; it certainly benefits study. Short, accessible and extremely powerful in its argument, it should be read by everyone.
Friedrich Engels, geb. 1820, gest. 1895, war ein deutscher Philosoph, Gesellschaftstheoretiker, Historiker, Journalist und kommunistischer Revolutionär. Er entwickelte gemeinsam mit Karl Marx die heute als Marxismus bezeichnete soziale Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftstheorie.nnKarl Marx (1818-83) Der Begründer des wissenschaftlichen Sozialismus entwickelte nach Lektüre der französischen Frühsozialisten, der britischen Nationalökonomie und des Materialismus von Ludwig Feuerbach die Grundzüge eines philosophischen und ökonomischen Systems. Zusammen mit Friedrich Engels entwickelte er die revolutionäre soziale Philosophie, bekannt als Marxismus.


Often referred to but rarely read, The Communist Manifesto is one of the great documents of world history. Written by Marx and Engels and published in London in 1848 (in German originally) it presented a totally different view of social and political organization, as revolutionary as Darwin's On the Origin of Species. The Manifesto's effect on world politics was incalculable, but though it might seem to have been discredited by the late 20th century, it remains an ideology which, in many ways, can be admired; it certainly benefits study. Short, accessible and extremely powerful in its argument, it should be read by everyone.
