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Entrepreneurship support in developing countries
Iftekhar Ul Karim

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Autor/Autorin: Karim Iftekhar Ul

Being born and brought up in Bangladesh, having spent his early childhood in India, educated and worked in the Netherlands and Sweden, and travelled to many parts of the globe in the US, Europe and Asia to represent Bangladesh in an array of international platforms; Iftekhar Ul Karim currently dwells in Dhaka, Bangladesh together with his family.
In the backdrop of the role of business in poverty alleviation, stimulating entrepreneurship by involving the entrepreneurs in forming their ventures has been considered fruitful. In doing so, the crucial factor remains the underlying heterogeneity of entrepreneurs due to their arrays of business requirements to cater to miscellaneous market segments and niches. In this context, the study aimed at developing a typology on the entrepreneurship support centers (ESCs) facilitating services for heterogeneous start-up entrepreneurs (SEs) focusing on the services of ESCs, particularly from the perspective of their configurations, where three groups among the Start-up Entrepreneurs (SEs) in Bangladesh were distinguished: G1 type of Young SEs, G2 type of Child SEs and G3 type of Aged SEs with tailor-made needs on funding, networking, training etc. On the other side, interestingly ESCs also adapted to the SEs in various means considering the situation of the respective SEs, whereas requirements are prominent with the SEs and also ample resources are lacking with ESCs. Hence the support system which could help the ESCs become up-scaled - is going to be instrumental for entrepreneurship.

Über den Autor

Iftekhar Ul Karim is a faculty at University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), and Md Mashiur Rahman is a faculty at Comilla University, Bangladesh. This research namely "Organizational Modeling on Social Sustainability" was conducted during the researchers' prestigious Swedish Institute (SI) scholarship tenures at Malmo University in Sweden.


In the backdrop of the role of business in poverty alleviation, stimulating entrepreneurship by involving the entrepreneurs in forming their ventures has been considered fruitful. In doing so, the crucial factor remains the underlying heterogeneity of entrepreneurs due to their arrays of business requirements to cater to miscellaneous market segments and niches. In this context, the study aimed at developing a typology on the entrepreneurship support centers (ESCs) facilitating services for heterogeneous start-up entrepreneurs (SEs) focusing on the services of ESCs, particularly from the perspective of their configurations, where three groups among the Start-up Entrepreneurs (SEs) in Bangladesh were distinguished: G1 type of Young SEs, G2 type of Child SEs and G3 type of Aged SEs with tailor-made needs on funding, networking, training etc. On the other side, interestingly ESCs also adapted to the SEs in various means considering the situation of the respective SEs, whereas requirements are prominent with the SEs and also ample resources are lacking with ESCs. Hence the support system which could help the ESCs become up-scaled - is going to be instrumental for entrepreneurship.
