Autor/Autorin: Vergara Campillo Ramiro
Ramiro Vergara-Campillo, medical doctor from the University of Salamanca, Spain, ENT specialist from National university of Colombia, Master in Neuroscience and Biology of Behavior from the University Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain, Psychoanalyst from Analytic, Psychoanalysis Association of Bogotá, graduated in PNL from ASEIA of Bogotá.
Tinnitus patient comes for consultation telling he has a noise in his ears and from there the doctor begins to study the ear and hearing. Tinnitology proposes to study the true consultation reason, which is the noise; our attention is been devoted to this subject and we have been able to capture the tinnitus sound signal, to identify the sound source, the energy source that allows the signal to remain forever and the therapeutic intervention that can return it to rest. Through the sound active maneuvers, we are able to demonstrate tinnitus sound signal behaves in accordance with the physic of sound. Through the Objective Accouphenometer, computerized electronic device, we capture the sound signal and reproduce it to be identified by the patient (62%), with the above we have turned the subjective to objective; by studying the periauricular anatomic structures (muscles), it was found that they can act as a sound source activated from Brain, which works obedient to the information stored in unconscious mind. About T etiology we have demonstrated the role of the unconscious mind in causing tinnitus, which at the same time is a resource to guide and to be used in tiinnitus treatment.
Ramiro Vergara-Campillo, medical doctor from the University of Salamanca, Spain, ENT specialist from National university of Colombia, Master in Neuroscience and Biology of Behavior from the University Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain, Psychoanalyst from Analytic, Psychoanalysis Association of Bogotá, graduated in PNL from ASEIA of Bogotá.
Über den Autor
Médico Universidad de Salamanca - Máster en Neurociencias y Biología del ComportamientöPsicoanalista - Diplomado en PNL- Especialista en Otorrinolaringología - Inventor ¿ Investigador Científico ¿ Premio Nacional de obras médicas SALVAT 1992-Premio Nacional del Iinventor 1994 ¿ Profesor Emérito Hospital Militar Central.
Tinnitus patient comes for consultation telling he has a noise in his ears and from there the doctor begins to study the ear and hearing. Tinnitology proposes to study the true consultation reason, which is the noise; our attention is been devoted to this subject and we have been able to capture the tinnitus sound signal, to identify the sound source, the energy source that allows the signal to remain forever and the therapeutic intervention that can return it to rest. Through the sound active maneuvers, we are able to demonstrate tinnitus sound signal behaves in accordance with the physic of sound. Through the Objective Accouphenometer, computerized electronic device, we capture the sound signal and reproduce it to be identified by the patient (62%), with the above we have turned the subjective to objective; by studying the periauricular anatomic structures (muscles), it was found that they can act as a sound source activated from Brain, which works obedient to the information stored in unconscious mind. About T etiology we have demonstrated the role of the unconscious mind in causing tinnitus, which at the same time is a resource to guide and to be used in tiinnitus treatment.