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Dutch Drawings in Swedish Public Collections
Magnusson, Börje

56,95 €

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Lieferzeit ca. 22 Werktage


From Rembrandt to Van de Velde: drawings by Dutch masters. This catalogue, the result of a long-term research project, includes almost 600 drawings, of which approximately 130 are previously unpublished. Besides the Nationalmuseum, it draws on the collections of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm, and other institutions.
The Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, holds the most extensive collection of Dutch master drawings in Sweden. It comprises important works by Rembrandt and his pupils, as well as drawings by Abraham Bloemart, Jan van Goyen, Herman Saftleven, Willem van de Velde and many other artists. Although trade contacts between the Netherlands and Sweden were lively in the seventeenth century, they account for only a small part of the collection. The bulk of the drawings was acquired by Swedish collectors in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Foremost among them was Count Carl Gustaf Tessin, whose acquisitions at the 1741 Paris sale of the financier Pierre Crozat make up the core of the collection.

This catalogue, the result of a long-term research project, includes almost 600 drawings, of which approximately 130 are previously unpublished. Besides the Nationalmuseum, it draws on the collections of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm, The Gothenburg Museum of Art, the Uppsala University Library and other institutions.

The NATIONALMUSEUM STOCKHOLM holds the most extensive collection of Dutch master drawings in Sweden. It comprises important works by Rembrandt and his pupils, as well as drawings by Abraham Bloemart, Jan van Goyen, Herman Saftleven, Willem van de Velde and many other artists. Although trade contacts between the Netherlands and Sweden were lively in the seventeenth century, they account for only a small part of the collection. The bulk of the drawings was acquired by Swedish collectors in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Foremost among them was Count Carl Gustaf Tessin, whose acquisitions at the 1741 Paris sale of the financier Pierre Crozat make up the core of the collection.


Das Nationalmuseum Stockholm besitzt eine der größten Zeichnungssammlungen niederländischer Meister in Schweden. Sie umfasst wichtige Werke von Rembrandt und seinen Schülern sowie Zeichnungen von Abraham Bloemart, Jan van Goyen, Herman Saftleven, Willem van de Velde und vielen anderen. Trotz reger Handelsbeziehungen zwischen den Niederlanden und Schweden im 17. Jahrhundert sind nur wenige Stücke auf diesem Wege in die Sammlung gekommen. Der größte Teil wurde von schwedischen Sammlern im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert erworben, allen voran Graf Carl Gustaf Tessin, der 1741 bei einem Verkauf des Finanziers Pierre Crozat den heutigen Kern der Sammlung erwarb.

Der Katalog, Ergebnis eines Langzeit-Forschungsprojekts, zeigt rund 600 Zeichnungen, von denen circa 130 bislang noch nie veröffentlicht wurden. Neben dem Nationalmuseum Stockholm werden auch Zeichnungen aus den Beständen der Königlichen Kunstakademie in Stockholm, dem Göteburger Kunstmuseum, der Universitätsbibliothek in Uppsala und weiteren Institutionen erfasst.
